Where was India’s first shale gas exploratory drilled?

Q.  India’s first shale gas exploratory well was drilled in
- Published on 16 Nov 16

a. Maharashtra
b. Gujarat
c. Andhra Pradesh
d. Tamil Nadu

ANSWER: Gujarat
  • Following the successful drilling of the country’s first shale gas exploratory well near Jambusar about 60 km from Vadodara, Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC) has decided to drill more wells in Cambay region of Gujarat.
  • The data from the first well near Jambusar has given ONGC more leads for further exploration.
  • Shale gas in Cambay region is estimated to have a shale gas potential of 20 TCF (trillion cubic feet).
  • India has recoverable shale gas reserves of around 90 TCF, which can satiate India’s energy demand for 26 years.

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