Why Calcutta, Bombay & Madras developed architectural style of Europe? - Art & Culture

Q.  With  the  growth  of  their  empire, the  British  became  increasingly inclined  to  make  cities  like  Calcutta, Bombay  and  Madras develop the  architectural  style  of Europe because

1) It expressed the British desire to create a familiar landscape.
2) British felt that it would best symbolize their superiority, authority and power.
3) European  buildings would  mark  out  the difference  and  distance  between  the  colonial  masters and  their  Indian  subjects.

- Published on 17 Aug 15

a. Only 2 and 3
b. Only 2
c. Only 3
d. All of the above

ANSWER: All of the above
It was as if the grandeur of the cities had to reflect the authority of imperial power. Town planning had to represent everything that the British claimed to stand for: rational ordering, meticulous execution, and Western aesthetic ideals.

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