Why do mechanical working processes are performed on metals? - Manufacturing Processes - 1

Q.  Mechanical working processes are performed on metals
- Published on 03 Aug 15

a. to achieve optimum mechanical properties in the metal
b. to improve the mechanical strength of the metal
c. to make metal dense
d. all of the above

ANSWER: all of the above


  • Pankaj   -Posted on 29 Oct 15
    - Mechanical working process can simply be defined as the deformation of metal which is carried out intentionally under the action of external applied force.

    - Mechanical working processes are performed on metals to achieve optimum mechanical properties in the metal.

    - These processes also reduce any internal cavities present in the metal. This makes the metal dense.

    - In mechanical working processes, impurities in metal get elongated along with the grains. This results in increase in mechanical strength of metal.

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