World Malaria Day observed on April 25, 2016

Q.  On April 25th which day is celebrated across the globe:
- Published on 26 Apr 16

a. World Rheumatism Day
b. World Brain Day
c. World Meningitis Day
d. World Malaria Day

ANSWER: World Malaria Day
On April 25th people across the globe take part in a wide range of activities to mark World Malaria Day.
  • The Day is an international observance commemorated every year on 25 April and recognizes global efforts to control malaria.
  • Globally, 3.3 billion people in 106 countries are at risk of malaria. WMD is one of eight official global public health campaigns currently marked by the World Health Organization (WHO), along with World Health Day, World Blood Donor Day, World Immunization Week, World Tuberculosis Day, World No Tobacco Day, World Hepatitis Day and World AIDS Day.
  • The theme for 2016 is “End Malaria For Good”.

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