Worm working or semi-hot working process eliminates - Manufacturing Processes - 1

Q.  Worm working or semi-hot working process, which is the plastic deformation of metal or alloy under conditions of temperature and strain rate, is performed to eliminate drawbacks of
- Published on 03 Aug 15

a. cold working process
b. hot working process
c. both cold and hot working processes
d. none of the above

ANSWER: both cold and hot working processes


  • Pankaj   -Posted on 29 Oct 15
    - Worm working or semi-hot working process, which is the plastic deformation of metal or alloy under conditions of temperature and strain rate, is performed to eliminate drawbacks of both cold and hot working processes.

    - The advantages of hot working process and cold working process are combined together in worm working or semi-hot working process.

    - The selection of perfect working temperature is very important in worm working process. It depends upon following factors:

    1. Ductility of metal used for working
    2. Oxidation and scaling losses
    3. Dimensional tolerance on the components
    4. Yield strength of metal or alloy

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