FIR Filter Design - Electronic Engineering (MCQ) questions & answers

1)   In Gibb's phenomenon, the ringing effect is predominantly present near the ______ .

a. bandgap
b. bandedge
c. bandwidth
d. bandshell
Answer  Explanation 

ANSWER: bandedge

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2)   In Barlett window, the triangular function resembles the tapering of rectangular window sequence _______ from the middle to the ends.

a. linearly
b. elliptically
c. hyperbolically
d. parabolically
Answer  Explanation 

ANSWER: linearly

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3)   Which window function is also regarded as 'Raised-cosine window'?

a. Hamming window
b. Hanning window
c. Barlett window
d. Blackman window
Answer  Explanation 

ANSWER: Hanning window

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4)   In FIR filter design, which among the following parameters is/are separately controlled by using Kaiser window?

a. Order of filter (M)
b. Transition width of main lobe
c. Both a and b
d. None of the above
Answer  Explanation 

ANSWER: Both a and b

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5)   For a linear phase filter, if Z1 is zero then what would be the value of Z1-1 or 1/ Z1?

a. Zero
b. Unity
c. Infinity
d. Unpredictable
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6)   Consider the assertions given below. Which among them is an advantage of FIR Filter?

a. Necessity of computational techniques for filter implementation
b. Requirement of large storage
c. Incapability of simulating prototype analog filters
d. Presence of linear phase response
Answer  Explanation 

ANSWER: Presence of linear phase response

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7)   A filter is said to be linear phase filter if the phase delay and group delay are _______

a. High
b. Moderate
c. Low
d. Constant
Answer  Explanation 

ANSWER: Constant

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8)   Basically, group delay is the delayed response of filter as a function of ________.

a. Phase
b. Amplitude
c. Frequency
d. All of the above
Answer  Explanation 

ANSWER: Frequency

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9)   FIR filters ________

A. are non-recursive
B. do not adopt any feedback
C. are recursive
D. use feedback

a. A & B
b. C & D
c. A & D
d. B & C
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10)   Which among the following represent/s the characteristic/s of an ideal filter?

a. Constant gain in passband
b. Zero gain in stop band
c. Linear Phase Response
d. All of the above
Answer  Explanation 

ANSWER: All of the above

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