Perigee - Current Affairs Questions and Answers

1)   What is perigee?

a. Point at which the moon is closest to the earth
b. Point at which the moon is farthest from earth
c. Point at which the moon meets the earth
d. None of the above
Answer  Explanation 

ANSWER: Point at which the moon is closest to the earth

On 14th Nov, one should be prepared for the largest and brightest super-moon in nearly 7 decades

  • The upcoming super-moon will be the closest full moon to earth since 1948 and people will not see another super-moon of this intensity till 2034
  • The NASA has said the moon’s orbit around earth is slightly elliptical so it is closer sometimes and farther way others
  • When the moon is full as it passes closest to the earth, it is called the super-moon
  • The perigee or point at which the moon is closest to the earth can be as much as 14 percent closer to the earth than the apogee where the moon is farthest from the planet
  • On 14th Nov, the moon will be at perigee just after dusk in India
  • Full moon appears larger in diameter as it shines 30 percent more moonlight on to the Earth
  • Difference in distance from one night to another will be subtle
  • This is the second of the three super-moons in a row so you may also get a chance to see it on Dec 14, 2016