Impact of reused software components upon the size estimate - Project management (PMP)

Explain the impact of reused software components upon the size estimate.

Reusing software may result in saving cost and time and increase in quality, but it can also cost more in terms of resources thus lower quality. Reusing could be: New Code, Modified Code, Reuse Code, legacy Code. The effect of reuse is determined in each phase and based on this the reuse effect is calculated.

Line of code as a unit of sizing of software - Project management (PMP)
Line of code is a metric used to measure the size of software for estimation mainly by counting the number of lines needs to be written in the source code......
Guidelines for counting Line of Code - Project management (PMP)
a. Each counted line must contain only one source statement. b. Count all delivered executable statements.....
Advantages of using line of code as a unit of sizing of software - Project management (PMP)
a. Widely used and accepted. b. Allows the comparison of size & productivity across development groups...
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