How to generate random numbers in Python?

Describe how to generate random numbers in Python.

Thee standard module random implements a random number generator.

There are also many other in this module, such as:
uniform(a, b) returns a floating point number in the range [a, b].
randint(a, b)returns a random integer number in the range [a, b].
random()returns a floating point number in the range [0, 1].

Following code snippet show usage of all the three functions of module random:
Note: output of this code will be different evertime it is executed.
import random
i = random.randint(1,99)# i randomly initialized by integer between range 1 & 99
j= random.uniform(1,999)# j randomly initialized by float between range 1 & 999
k= random.random()# k randomly initialized by float between range 0 & 1
print("i :" ,i)
print("j :" ,j)
print("k :" ,k)
Output -
('i :', 64)
('j :', 701.85008797642115)
('k :', 0.18173593240301023)

('i :', 83)
('j :', 56.817584548210945)
('k :', 0.9946957743038618)
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