Which is not true in case of Filter Selection?

- Use current filter
- Update filter
- Do not use filter
- Define new filter

CORRECT ANSWER : Update filter

Discussion Board
Quality Center

Answer: Update Filter
Solution: Filter functionality in used to display a specific data based on certain criteria. Filters are used for all modules - Requirements, Test Plan, Test Lab and Defects.
Define new filter: In the QC we can define or create new filter criteria by manually and easily saving the filter.
Use Current Filter: Its means select last filter criteria are used for the other result.
Do not use filter: If we select do not use filter then data should be displayed in by default order.
But, Update filter is not used in the QC.
Therefore Update filter is a best option for the answer.

Rohit Srivastava 08-7-2014 03:00 AM

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