Which of the following is/are correct types of data?

- Semi-structured
- unstructured data
- Both a and b
- Semi data

CORRECT ANSWER : Both a and b

Discussion Board
Business Intelligence

Businesses create a huge amount of valuable information in the form of e-mails, memos, notes from call-centers, news, user groups, chats, reports, webpages, presentations, image-files, video-files, and marketing material and news. According to Merrill Lynch, more than 85% of all business information exists in these forms. These information types are called either semi-structured or unstructured data. However, organizations often only use these documents once. BI uses both structured and unstructured data, but the former is easy to search, and the latter contains a large quantity of the information needed for analysis and decision making. Because of the difficulty of properly searching, finding and assessing unstructured or semi-structured data, organizations may not draw upon these vast reservoirs of information, which could influence a particular decision, task or project. This can ultimately lead to poorly informed decision making. Therefore, when designing a business intelligence/DW-solution, the specific problems associated with semi-structured and unstructured data must be accommodated for as well as those for the structured data.

Prajakta Pandit 04-3-2017 05:01 AM

Different types of Data inputs in DW

There is one more obvious type is structured.
Structured - Database tables or .csv files
Semi-structured - Files or web data
Un-Structured - Pictures, Videos or social media data.

Harshad Hardas 12-25-2014 04:53 AM

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