Benefits to RSS - RSS

Benefits to RSS

1. Ability to publish latest updates to the readers.
2. RSS displays the news and headlines to overwhelm the user. If the user wants details, he can click on the link of the actual content.
3. RSS has the ability to control the flow of information users receive
4. If the user feels that the content quality is not acceptable, he just needs to remove the feed from the RSS reader to avoid any content being read from that source.
5. Allows user to scan information from different sources.
6. Can be typically used for weather reports, blogs, headlines, discounts.

Explain the disadvantages of RSS.

1. Graphics and photos are not supported by ALL RSS feeds.
2. RSS feeds don’t display the actual URL or name of the website. This may confuse the user.
3. Publishers can’t determine the number of users who must have subscribed using its feed.
4. Publishers cannot know the reason why some feeds were unsubscribed.
5. Creates more traffic on the site and server.
6. Finding RSS feeds can be difficult as they may not appear in search results.

Benefits to RSS

The following are the benefits of RSS:

- Eliminates the tedious job of copying and pasting through HTML into the site using automated RSS software.
- Affords to free targeted traffic without additional efforts.
- Adding and displaying articles in huge number of web sites is automated.
- Its simplicity allows adding web content frequently.
Why Create RSS? - RSS
RSS is a very strong technology used to display latest information from various sources. RSS can be considered as the most acceptable standard to publish news........
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