Explain how to define Severity Rating in your project - Testing

Explain how to define Severity Rating in your project.

Severity rating is a combination of three factors:

- The frequency of the problem occurrence. It could be common / rare
- The impact of the problem. It might be easy or difficult for overcoming of users
- The persistence of the problem. It might be a one time problem or could repeatedly be occurring.

These severity ratings are used for allocating the resources to fix the serious issues / problems and also provide a rough estimate of the need which leads additional utilization of efforts.

Not all requirements are equally important. Some are more relevant to the main purpose of the system. Severity refers to the impact a defect may have on the system. It’s the measure of how much obstruction an issue causes in the path of the system to achieve a desired goal.

Showstopper: Issue that affects the main requirement and there’s no workaround available. It stops users from testing or using the system.

High: Issue that affects the main requirement and there are workarounds to it. Use or testing can proceed with some limitations.

Medium: An issue that affects a non central requirement and there are no workarounds available.

Low: An issue that affects a non central requirement and there are workarounds available.

Cosmetic: An issue that affects UI screen, e.g.: misspelled, positioning error, which don’t impact the functionality of the system as such.
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