Explain a few date functions in VBScript - vbscript

Explain a few date functions in VBScript

Following are the functions:

1. CDate
It converts a valid date and time expression to the variant of subtype Date

2. Date
It returns the current system date

3. DateAdd
It returns a date to which a specified time interval has been added

4. DateDiff
It returns the number of intervals between two dates

5. DatePart
It returns the specified part of a given date

6. DateSerial
It returns the date for a specified year, month, and day

7. DateValue
It returns a date

8. Day
It returns a number that represents the day of the month (between 1 and 31, inclusive)

9. FormatDateTime
It returns an expression formatted as a date or time

10. Hour
It returns a number that represents the hour of the day (between 0 and 23, inclusive)

11. IsDate
It returns a Boolean value that indicates if the evaluated expression can be converted to a date

12. Minute
It returns a number that represents the minute of the hour (between 0 and 59, inclusive)

13. Month
It returns a number that represents the month of the year (between 1 and 12, inclusive)

14. MonthName
It returns the name of a specified month

15. Now
It returns the current system date and time

16. Second
It returns a number that represents the second of the minute (between 0 and 59, inclusive)

17. Time
It returns the current system time

18. Timer
It returns the number of seconds since 12:00 AM

19. TimeSerial
It returns the time for a specific hour, minute, and second

20. TimeValue
It returns a time

21. Weekday
It returns a number that represents the day of the week (between 1 and 7, inclusive)

22. WeekdayName
It returns the weekday name of a specified day of the week

23. Year
It returns a number that represents the year
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