What is the difference between XSL and DSSSL?

What is the difference between XSL and DSSSL?

- DSSSL is used as an International Standard and represents a style sheet language, whereas XSL consists of CSS is already a stylesheet language and used as a standard language.

- DSSSL is used to provide the formatting technique for the documents that can be printed, whereas XSL uses the formatting technique to write the data in XSL format.

- DSSSL uses –O profile that provides additional capabilities and remove the functionality for providing online documentation, whereas XSL doesn’t provide the functionality.

- DSSSL continues to provide the web-oriented the style sheet language with the integration of the CSS, whereas XSL provides no such feature. th CSS.

- DSSSL provide the capabilities of XSL and it continues to provide the services to publishing industry, whereas XSL doesn’t use the capabilities of it.
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