Apart from manufacture of silk, what is the other purpose of studying sericulture?

Apart from manufacture of silk, what is the other purpose of studying sericulture?

Sericulture industry not only produces silk but various other products also. Ayurvedic and herbal medicines can be prepared using the roots, barks and leaves of the mulberry trees. The fruit of the mulberry are rich in minerals and vitamins. Sports items can be prepared from the woody mulberry trees as they are resistant to termites and the timber. The foliage of mulberry is used as a fodder for cattle. It can also be used by the cosmetic industry as the pupae of the silkworm are rich in oil content. The remaining pupa cake is a rich source of protein suitable for poultry and fisheries. The silkworm litter is used for bio-gas production and is also used as a fuel for cooking purpose in rural areas. Thus sericulture provides opportunities to improve the living standard of people in the rural areas.
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