Are you an Introvert or Extrovert?

Are you an Introvert or Extrovert?

Being on either of the extremes at work can be bad for you and the company. Your behavior at work should be as per the requirement. To answer this question you can say something like: I behave as per the requirement of the situation. For e.g. If I am representing the company at an event which requires me to talk to a lot of people, I become an extrovert while if there is some serious issue under discussion, I think quietly and deeply on it.
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  • RE: Are you an Introvert or Extrovert? -Farhana Afreen (05/27/15)
  • Most job description these days require you to possess excellent communication skills. You are going to be working in a team and you are not expected to be taciturn. You have to be an extrovert if your job asks you to be. Period.

    However, can mention alongside that you prefer being engrossed in your work with no disturbance to be able to concentrate better and give in your 100%. Under no circumstances would I advice that you answer to be an introvert completely. If you are actually one, try the diplomatic way and tell them that you take time getting along with new people but once you get accustomed to the work place, you have no problem being vocal about your ideas and instincts.