C Language sample paper for C-DOT

C Language sample paper for C-DOT

Q. The command used for sorting the lines of data in reverse order is

a) sh
b) st
c) short
d) sort-r

Q. The command used to count the total number of lines, words and characters in the file is

a) count p
b) wc
c) wcount
d) countw

Q. The command used to list the contents of the directories is

a) dir
b) lp
c) ls
d) tar

Q. A computer needs a ………… to boot.

a) Operating System
b) Compiler
c) Loader
d) Assembler

Q. If a file is immediately corrected after the input, it is called

a) Batching
b) On-line updating
c) Off-line updating
d) Sorting

Q. ……….. is technically responsible for the problem of Thrashing

a) Program Size
b) Primary Storage Size
c) Program Structure
d) None of the above

Q. ……… is called a virtual memory

a) Memory used in Super Computers
b) Exceptionally large main memory
c) An illusion of exceptionally large main memory
d) Extremely large Secondary memory

Q. The use of NULL pointer is

a) Error value
b) Sentinel value
c) To stop in a direction
d) All of the above

Q. Which of the following is a type of storage?

a) Allocated
b) Static
c) Automatic
d) All of them

Q. What would be the output of the following Code

Int x= 5, y=7;
printf(“%d, %d \n”, x, y);
a) 5, 7
b) 5, 8
c) 6, 8
d) 6, 7

Q. Which one of these is not an advantage of Functions?

a) Easier Testing
b) Consumes low disc space
c) Possibility of recursive call
d) Easier Debugging

Q. Which one is a preferred language C or C++? Why?

Q. What is a Real Time Operating System? Elaborate.

Q. What is a Kernel?

UNIX sample paper for C-DOT

Q. Shell is the special feature of

b) System Software
c) DOS
d) Application Software

Q. The device driver for UNIX is

a) Three equal partitions
b) Unstructured
c) Structured into top half and bottom half
d) None of the above

Analog Electronics sample paper for C-DOT

Q. If both the inputs are positive or negative in an analog multiplier, it is called

a) one quadrant multiplier
b) two quadrant multiplier
c) four quadrant multiplier
d) three quadrant multiplier
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