Calculation of carrier frequency & Figure of Merit for SSB signal

What is the carrier frequency in an AM wave when its highest frequency component is 850Hz and the bandwidth of the signal is 50Hz?

a.) 80 Hz
b.) 695 Hz
c.) 625 Hz
d.) 825 Hz

Correct Answer: d) 825 Hz


Upper frequency = 850Hz

Bandwidth = 50Hz

Therefore lower Frequency = 850-50= 800 Hz

Carrier Frequency = (850-800)/2
= 825 Hz

Noise figure of merit in SSB modulated signal is

a.) 1
b.) Less than 1
c.) Greater than 1
d.) None of the above

Correct Answer: a) 1


A figure of merit used to describe the performance of a system. The figure of merit ‘γ’ is the ratio of output signal to noise ratio to input signal to noise

ratio of a receiver system. Figure of merit for SSB modulation is always 1.
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  • RE: Calculation of carrier frequency & Figure of Merit for SSB signal -Akshay (09/20/16)
  • Highest freq. Component is (fc+fm)=850hz-----(1)
    BW=2fm=50hz given ;
    Fm=25hz----put in equation (1)
    You will get Fc=825hz
  • RE: Calculation of carrier frequency -Kashyap (08/07/16)
  • (850-800)/2 = 25
    Hence the carrier frequency should be 25 HZ. How does the answer is provided as 825 HZ?