CGI sample placement technical paper

CGI sample placement technical paper

Q. What are the advantages of OLE Automation?

Q. What is the purpose of Treeview control?

Q. What do you understand by a Static Variable?

Q. What is the purpose of OLE Automation?

Q. Can u list some style properties of List Box?

Q. How do you classify Dialog Box?

Q. What do you understand by an Implicit Variable?

Q. What is a Parser Bug?

Q. What are the commands in UNIX to list the files in a Directory?

Q. What are the methods to rectify ambiguities in the interfaces in JAVA?

Q. For two input files Infile-1 and Infile-2 , how can we compare the files and record the output in the third output file named Outfile using File-Aid?

Q. Give an example to display com-3 variables.

Q. Using VB, how can you change the Mouse Pointer?

Q. If you want to check a condition in Msgbox, How will you do that using VB?

Q. How will you differentiate between a flexgrid and datagrid?

Q. What do you understand by ADO? What are the different objects of ADO?

Q. What is the purpose of Dataware Control?

Q. How will you decide in a program whether it is a Static call or Dynamic call?

Q. Why do you need Lock in Visual Basic? What are the different types of Lock available in Visual Basic?

Q. How will you differentiate between ADO (ActiveX Data Object) and RDO (Remote Data Objects)?

Q. What is the procedure to call a Stored Procedure of Back End in ADO (ActiveX Data Object) and RDO (Remote Data Objects)?

Q. What is the difference between the Oracle ODBC driver and a Microsoft ODBC (Open Database Connectivity) Driver?

Q. What are the different technologies used to access Database from Visual Basic?

Q. How do you call a stored procedure in Visual Basic?

Q. How to differentiate between a CreateObject() and GetObject() ?

Q. How to generate the properties and methods using controls?

Q. What is the difference between array list and vector list?

Q. Write a program to reverse a single linked list.

Q. what is the memory required when a screen has 1024*1280 pixels and each pixel can have around 16 million colors?

Q. What are the Static and Dynamic Variables? Differentiate them.
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