Complement vs Compliment

Complement vs Compliment

Complement – is a noun and is defined as a thing that contributes extra features to something else in such a way as to improve or emphasize its quality.

a. The team needs players who complement each other.
b. It is not a musical film, but the orchestra’s songs complement the storyline.

Compliment – is a noun and is defined as a polite expression of praise or admiration.

a. It is a great compliment to be asked to do a job.
b. He ignored my compliment and moved ahead.

Read the following sentences and fill in the blanks with right words

1. Root vegetables can be the foundation of a dish or a flavourful__________________________ to other foods.

a. Compliment
b. Complement
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ANSWER: Complement

2. His comments were more of an insult to me than to be a__________________________ .

a. Complement
b. Compliment
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ANSWER: Compliment

3. She was in many ways the perfect__________________________ to her husband.

a. Complement
b. Compliment
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ANSWER: Complement

4. She accepted the job as a__________________________ to her hard – work.

a. Compliment
b. Complement
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ANSWER: Compliment

5. The first step is thinking about what ingredients naturally__________________________ each other in savoury dishes.

a. Compliment
b. Complement
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ANSWER: Complement

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