Did you ever face a situation when your work was criticized? What did you do?

Did you ever face a situation when your work was criticized? What did you do?

Not being able to perform well on certain things is not a problem. The purpose here is to see what did you do about your poor performance? Were you able to analyse the reasons for your poor performance? How did you deal with them?

A person who can assess his own performance is a great asset for a manager. Discuss about how you analysed your performance and took corrective actions – to answer this question.

You can face moments when your work will be criticized but you have to remember that only those who work can make mistakes. The main purpose of this question is to see your attitude when you are criticized and how you deal with it. If you face this question and you have been in a situation where your work was criticized, tell a bit about it and then tell the interviewer the way you dealt with it - if you think that there can be a better approach to what you are doing, evaluate it and accept it. The most important thing is to remember that you do not lose your cool on hearing negative remarks about yourself.
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  • RE: Did you ever face a situation when your work was criticized? What did you do? -Farhana Afreen (07/06/15)
  • This question is as simple as it sounds. They want to know if you can take criticism without looking ashen and tortured. At some point or the other everyone goes through this stage when they make mistake or do something not quite perfectly and gets criticized for it. The very fact that criticism can help in the long run since you get to know your mistakes and rectify them can help you in your answer. You do not want to sound arrogant by saying that you have been doing all your work so perfectly that you never ever gave them the chance to criticize you. Small or big, it is absolutely human to make mistakes. The interviewer just wants to be ensured that you are willing to improvise your work whenever required to their level of perfection.

    Give an example when your work was criticized because of your lack of experience or knowledge in that particular field. You can also be honest and give an example of instance where you were ignorant or you misunderstood the situation. Add that you took it as a constructive criticism and worked towards rectifying your mistakes and upgrading your knowledge on the subject so as to avoid the same kind of mistake in future. You can show a positive attitude by saying that without being criticized you would have never understood the problem and hence never improved. You want to be told when you make a mistake is all that the interviewer wants to hear in the end.

    If you choose to elaborate an instance where the criticism was baseless, you can do so but with modesty and the hint that you would take criticism only when it is valid. If you were criticized on grounds of misunderstanding or any other reason which is not valid, mention that you listened to the details calmly and then went ahead to get the matter scrutinized to finally prove your innocence. In such instances add that you do not dwell upon such errors and move ahead with professionalism.