Does an effective grievance redressal ensure healthy work environment? Role of managers in grievance handling.

Does an effective grievance redressal ensure healthy work environment?

Implementing a good grievance handling process at work would ensure that the work atmosphere stays congenial. A good system would find a satisfactory solution to the grievance acceptable both to the employee and the employers. It would further help the management in designing more effective work policies. Effective grievance handling also enhances to maintain good employee relations & a happy work environment.

Managers play a conscious role in the Grievance Redressal process. Comment.

The difficulty of industrial problems depends on manager's approaches and attitude in effective handling of employees grievances. The manager should perceive the positives & negatives of the situation to handle it properly. The cooperation from both parties is a necessity to handle the problem effectively & settle the grievances immediately. This also helps in the healthy organisational practices which in turn reflect the strong organizational culture.
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