Do’s and Don’ts of a Bank Interview

Do’s and Don’ts of a Bank Interview.

Have you cleared your written test in a Bank exam and preparing for your interview?

Here are some Do’s and Don’ts which can save you from landing up in embarrassing situations and getting nervous at the interview.


- Reach the venue 30 minutes prior to the start time and wait patiently for your turn.

- Be brief and spontaneous in your responses.

- Present the relevant matter in an organized way.

- Support your views with rich content and proper arguments.

- Be honest in referring to events, situations and experiences.

- Listen carefully to the interviewer’s questions, statements and comments before replying.

- Maintain calm and be confident in your body language and voice.

- Keep all the documents in an organized way, as proposed. If required, you should be easily able to find a particular document.

- Before entering the room, take 3 deep breaths and release them in 6 seconds. This will ease out your anxiety.

- Even if the door is open, knock it softly before entering.

- Softly open and close the door and maintain a gentle standing posture.

- If there is any female wish her first and remember the time carefully.

Till 12 o’clock- Good Morning

Between 12 pm to 4 pm- Good Afternoon

After 4 pm- Good Evening

- Maintain a good eye contact with the interviewers.

- Speak in a clear, audible voice and polite manner .

- If the interviewer says “Thank you, your interview is over” say “ your welcome sir” or “it’s my pleasure”

- Wish the board before and leave immediately without making any noise with the chair or door.


- Never bang the door.

- Don’t give any irrelevant information or excessive details.

- Do not take the interview casually.

- Never give an impression that you are not interested in a particular bank.

- Don’t give an impression that you are greedy for salary. Don’t ask about the salary and benefits. The banks usually have fixed remuneration for each position.

- Never ask any personal questions to the interviewers.

- Don’t chew a gum during the interview or smoke just before the interview.

- Don’t take cell phone to the interview or keep it on silent mode.

- Do not take any relative, friend, or anybody to the interview. This shows your dependency.

- Do not look up and down or at ceilings.

- Avoid hand and leg movements.

- You do not need to jump to answers. It’s OK to take a second or two to compose your thoughts. Don’t rush.

- Never show your irritation or frustration on any question that is asked.

- Do not defend yourself in wrong answers and get into an argument. If you argue, they are better than you to do it.

- Do not put the document folder on the table.

- Do not try to change the topic of discussion.

- Avoid long pauses while speaking.
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