Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development: Perspective

Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development: Perspective

Question: Development without destruction is the motto of the government. Environmental protection is critical for sustainable development. Elaborate.

• Protection of environment is required for sustainable development

Main causes of adverse impact on environment are:

• Industrial pollution

• Forest Degradation

• Depletion of ozone layer

• GHG emissions

• Global warming and climate change

• There are several aspects of conservation for sustainable development namely:

• Protection of biodiversity

• Protection of wetlands

• Prevention of environmental pollution

• Promotion of Ecological Balance

• UN has passed several conventions such as Ramsar Convention on protecting wetlands and UN Convention on Biodiversity and so forth.

Global Warming Induced Climate change

• Global warming is rampant, average global temperature is higher than during the past millennium

• Levels of Carbon Monoxide have crossed all previous records

• Chances for ecosystems to adapt are slowing because of global warming induced climate change

• Increase in severity and frequency of the extreme weather conditions will contribute to cyclone, drought and so forth

Forest Conservation

• National Forest Policy formed in 1988 focuses on ensuring environmental stability, restoration of ecological balance and preservation of remaining forests

• The policy also seeks to involve local persons in management of forest resources

• Forest Conservation Act was amended to facilitate stricter conservation

• Sustainable forest management is the focus of the 2009 Indian National Forest Policy document

Protection of Wetlands

• Wetlands are complex inland, coastal and marine ecosystems which share the features of both wet and dry environment

• They have plenty of diversity in geographical location, hydrological regimes and substrate factors

• Wetlands provide suitable natural habitats for endangered and rare endemic flora and fauna

• India is signatory to the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands and Convention of Biological Diversity

Conservation of Biodiversity

• Biological Diversity Act was enacted by the Parliament for the protection of biodiversity in India

• Act was passed to meet obligations under Convention on Biological Diversity to which India is also a party

• National Biodiversity Authority was established in 2003 as well for the implementation of the Biological Diversity Act 2002; this is a statutory autonomous body which performs advisory, regulatory and facilitative functions for issues such as conservation, sustainable use of biological resources and equitable benefit sharing

Wildlife Conservation

• Apart from government agencies for wildlife conservation, there are numerous not for profit organisations such as WWF which also work in this field
• Wildlife Conservation Act 2002 was also enacted to promote wildlife conservation

• Conservation projects such as Project Tiger, Project Elephant and more have been launched
Ozone Depletion

• This encompasses a constant decline of 4% per decade amidst the total ozone in the stratosphere and greater springtime decrease in stratospheric ozone over polar regions of the earth

• Main cause of ozone depletion is photo dissociation of man made halocarbon refrigerants such as halons, freons and CFCs

• Compounds are transported into the stratosphere following emission at the surface

EIA: Environmental Impact Assessment

• This is an assessment of the impact a project will have on the environment

• It also involves prediction and mitigation effects

Sustainable Development

• This type of economic development refers to development of human capital, critical infrastructure, regional competitiveness, health, environmental protection and inclusion as well as other initiatives.

• This also involves handing quality land, air and ecology to coming generations

Facts and Stats

• Sea level in India is rising at the rate of 1.3 mm per year on an average

• Increased intensity and lower frequency of rain and cyclones have also resulted from global warming induced climate change

• Expected impact of climate change include 10-30% increased risk of floods and droughts

• It will also impact agricultural yield by 35 to 50%
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