FSR in CPU Registers - MCQs with answers

FSR in CPU Registers - MCQs with answers

1. Which statement is precise in relation to FSR, INDF and indirect addressing mode?

A. Address byte must be written in FSR before executing INDF instruction in indirect addressing mode

B. Address byte must be written in FSR after executing INDF instruction in indirect addressing mode

C. Address byte must be written in FSR at the same time during the execution of INDF instruction in indirect addressing mode

D. Address byte must be always written in FSR as it is independent of any instruction in indirect addressing mode

a. Only A
b. Only B
c. Only A & B
d. A & D

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ANSWER: a. Only A

2. Which among the below stated registers specify the address reachability within 7 bits of address independent of RP0 status bit register?

a. PCL
b. FSR
d. All of the above

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ANSWER: d. All of the above

3. Where do the contents of PCLATH get transferred in the higher location of program counter while writing in PCL (Program Counter Latch)?

a. 11th bit
b. 12 thbit
c. 13th bit
d. 14 thbit

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ANSWER: c. 13th bit

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