General facts about World - MCQs with answers - Part II

General facts about World - MCQs with answers - Part II

1. Who discovered Pluto?

a) Clyde Tombaugh
b) Percival Lowell
c) Venetia Burney
d) Vesto Slipher

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ANSWER: a) Clyde Tombaugh

The discovery was made on February 18, 1930. The name Pluto was officially adopted on May 1, 1930.

2. What is an imaginary line which runs across and passes through the centre of the Earth called?

a) Equator
b) Earth's axis
c) Equinox
d) Meridian

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ANSWER: b) Earth's axis

The Earth's axis tilts at an angle of 23.5° away from the plane of the ecliptic. It's because of this tilt that seasons occur on Earth.

3. What is the elliptical path of Earth's revolution round the Sun?

a) Aphelion
b) Equinox
c) Orbit
d) Trajectory

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ANSWER: c) Orbit

An orbit is a conic section with two bodies.

4. When does Earth comes closest to the sun every year?

a) June 22
b) July 4
c) March 21
d) January 3

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ANSWER: d) January 3

The perihelion is the point in the orbit of a planet, asteroid, comet or other Sun-orbiting body where it is nearest to the Sun. Earth comes closest to the Sun every year around January 3.

5. When is Earth farthest from the Sun every year?

a) July 4
b) June 22
c) March 21
d) January 3

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ANSWER: a) July 4

Aphelion is the point where the orbit of the object is farthest from the Sun. Earth is farthest from the Sun every year around July 4.

6. Which is the longest day in Northern Hemisphere?

a) March 21
b) June 22
c) September 23
d) December 22

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ANSWER: b) June 22

The sun will reach its northernmost point in the sky known as the summer solstice on June 22. Earth's closest star will seem to pause briefly before beginning its move southward again. In the Northern Hemisphere, this marks the longest day of the year.

7. Which is the shortest day in Northern Hemisphere?

a) June 22
b) March 21
c) September 23
d) December 22

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ANSWER: d) December 22

December 22 is called Winter Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere, where it is the shortest day of the year.

8. When is vernal equinox?

a) June 22
b) March 21
c) September 23
d) December 22

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ANSWER: b) March 21

The March equinox marks when the northern hemisphere starts to tilt toward the sun which means sunnier days. In the northern hemisphere, the March equinox is called the vernal equinox, because it signals the beginning of the spring.

9. What is the imaginary line passing round the Earth midway between the north and south poles called?

a) Equator
b) Meridians
c) Tropics
d) Great Circles

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ANSWER: a) Equator

It divides the Earth into two equal halves: the Northern and Southern hemispheres.

10. What are the equidistant lines drawn east and west of the Greenwich Meridian known as?

a) Great Circles
b) Latitudes
c) Longitudes
d) Tropics

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ANSWER: c) Longitudes

They denote angular distances of a place due east or west of the Greenwich Meridian. They converge at the two poles.

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