Implicate vs Imply

Implicate vs Imply

The word ‘implicate’ is a verb, which means to connect or closely link to something or convey something.

For example:

a. The stains of blood on his shirt implicate that he is injured.
b. Ashok submitted the report which implicates the result of the survey he conducted.
c. Minister’s comment implicated the involvement of many in the crime.

The word ‘imply’ is a verb, which means to indicate or to point to or suggest something.

For example:

a. Jargon is used by many people to imply their knowledge on the subject.
b. The government’s approval to new industry implies the creation of new jobs in the market.
c. The body language of the person implies the level of confidence that one possesses.

Read the following sentences and fill in the blanks with the right words.

1. Ankit shrugged to __________ (implicate/ imply) that he had no clue of what has happened.
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ANSWER: imply

2. The reports of __________ (implicate/ imply) the involvement of the senior management in the conspiracy.
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ANSWER: implicate

3. The attempts of the police to _________ (implicate/ imply) him in criminal transactions were not successful.
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ANSWER: implicate

4. The weather report _________ (implicates/ implies) bad climate for the next three days.
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ANSWER: implies

5. The rising level of inflation________ (implicate/ imply) the rise in the prices of basic commodities.
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ANSWER: imply

6. People protested to _________ (implicate/ imply) their disagreement to the government’s decision.
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ANSWER: implicate

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