Instruction Set of Micro-processor - MCQs with answers

Instruction Set of Micro-processor - MCQs with answers

Q1. Which category of microprocessor instructions detect the status conditions in registers and accordingly exhibit the variations in program sequence on the basis of detected results?

a. Transfer Instructions
b. Operation Instructions
c. Control Instructions
d. All of the above

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ANSWER: c. Control Instructions

Q2. The push and pop instructions belonging to the category of transfer instructions of microprocessor perform data transformation between _______.

a. two registers
b. processor register and memory stack
c. processor register and interface register
d. interface register and memory word

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ANSWER: b. processor register and memory stack

Q3. Which control instruction is followed by an un-conditional branch instructions so as to branch to a single location from the double ones with respect to specified status-bit condition?

a. jump instruction
b. branch instruction
c. skip instruction
d. return- from-subroutine instructions

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ANSWER: c. skip instruction

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