Job responsibilities and potential employers for Dairy Technology professionals.

What job responsibilities do Dairy Technology professionals handle?

A Dairy Technologist or a Dairy Scientist has to look after the breeding, feeding and care of cattleā€™s, collection of milk, look after the hygiene and safety conditions, check on the quality and quantity of the milk and milk products produced. These professionals also do research in laboratory and field conditions to improve the quality of their products.

Depending on the field of specialization there are Dairy Engineers who look after the maintenance activities, those who are in marketing section looks after the sales and promotional activities and there are supervisors who work on the entire plant and project execution.

Which employers hire Dairy Technology professionals?

Both government and private organizations equally circulate the job openings for professionals in Dairy Technology and the profiles related to it. There are rural milk banks, milk and milk products manufacturing and processing plants, dairy farms and co-operatives that employ professionals of Dairy Technology. Apart from working as a white collar employee, they can work as a wholesaler, retailer or as an exporter of milk and milk products.

Some of the major employers of this field are Mother Dairy, GCMMF, Amul, ITC, Nestle, Tetra Pack etc. There are many public and private sector dairies, food and beverage industries which employs graduates of Dairy Technology.
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  • RE: Job responsibilities and potential employers for Dairy Technology professionals. -khushbu moon (06/08/15)
  • r there any colleges in nagpur regarding this?