Lawyer career objective and career summary

Lawyer career objective and career summary


Looking to secure the role of a Senior lawyer in GHP Ltd. Quick learner looking for a challenging task to provide job satisfaction as well as help in advancement of career.


- An LLM from National Law School with over 5 years of experience as a lawyer in GHT Ltd.
- Provided accurate and effective legal advice to clients.
- Responsible for studying police reports, medical records and other facts for making a case
- Attended hearings at court as well as presented evidence in court to support clients in legal proceedings.
- Writing legal documents such as trusts and will besides doing out of court settlements.
- Advised businesses on the impact as well as implementation of new policies
- Sound knowledge of criminal, civil, public and administrative law
- Possess sound experience of supporting vulnerable clients
- Excellent analytical skills as well as the ability to stay calm under pressure
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  • Lawyer career objective and career summary -Teena Bhatia (06/30/14)
  • Career Objective:

    To work at a mid-level position with a legal firm that would entrust me with using my skills in providing best services in different legal proceedings, counseling and litigation matters.

    Career Summary:

    • 3 years work experience in the legal field after completing Bachelor Degree with specialization in Law.
    • Expertise in advising clients on various legal matters concerning with the business transactions as well as on the other litigation issues.
    • Strong presentation and analytical skills that comes useful in presenting the case in the court of law.
    • Proficiency in handling complex legal cases and making the summary points to present before the concerned authorities.
    • Handled various cases and solved them by going for an out of court settlement and mutual compromises.
    • Enthusiastic and self-motivated with a strong network and relationships with the corporate people.
    • Possess excellent communication, interpersonal, negotiation and customer servicing skills.