Lesser number of policemen at IPS residences would increase the security of general citizens

Deploying lesser number of policemen at IPS residences would help in increasing the security of general citizens

The police force is appointed and provided for the security of the country which includes the citizens as well as the top notch people like politicians, high court lawyers, actors. It is the responsibility of the police to maintain the law and order and peace in the nation. Additionally as per the statistics, in India we already have lesser number of policemen employed and out of that also maximum are sent for the protection of the top shots of our country. How will the residents be protected against any crime?

As per the statistical data, the ratio of police people providing security to the general public is 1:761, i.e. one police person for 761 people whereas, there 47 thousand cops protecting 14 thousand VIP’s across the country. This statistics is prevalent even when the security of citizens is increasingly posing a threat. The VIP’s not only getting police protection but also military protection. In fact a number of states have just one cop employed for 1500 citizens which is far less. This is also one of the reasons that the police men are always over burdened with work.

If even somehow the ratio is increased at least employing 4 – 5 cops for 1000 number of people, it will definitely help in improving the security of the people. There will be more number of people to listen and register the complaints of the general public. The implication of laws will also be stricter as there will be more number of people to keep a vigil on who is breaking the law. Already the nation lacks the number of people in their entire police force as the younger generation is not willing to join the police forces because of the low income generation and on top of that if maximum of them will be posted to provide security to the VIP’s how will the general citizens feel secure. In fact the number of women personnel employed is far less than the requirement. It is the government’s duty to provide protection to the general public and if they keep all the security for themselves how will it work?

I firmly believe if there is less number of people deployed for the security of various VIP people, then at least to a certain extent the people will have a better sense of security as there will be more number of people in the police station to listen to you. Plus the workload of the police officers will be lessened and they will be able to take care of the pending cases as well as the new cases and listen to the complaints of the general public and give a solution to them. The police have been assigned the duty to protect the citizens of the country and not just the VIP’s and hence they should take care of their duties towards the general public as well. Also, women police personnel should be increased in each police station, so that the women can feel safe and secure to approach the police for their problems and complaints especially in cases of rape.
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  • RE: Lesser number of policemen at IPS residences would increase the security of general citizens -Deepa Kaushik (04/23/14)
  • We talk of safety and security concern every morning with our newspapers narrating sad stories of increasing crimes in the various parts of the country. There is hardly any nook or corner of the nation, where common man is leading a satisfied and fearless life, without any tension of burglary, sexual assault, molestations, murders etc.

    If we watch closely to the importance of human lives with respect to the safety measures adopted, it is highly offending on the part of Indian Governance and judicial system deploying maximum number of cops for the security of the so-called VIPs. The authorities have failed to understand the fact that the VIPs have received the status just because of the common man who have given them the power. The other so-called VIPs are the rich magnets who buy cops with their richness.

    These increasing corruption and selfishness of the higher officials and authorities who demand the cops for protection, have led common man without any safety or security. It is not the fault of the cops on duty who are unable to curb the crimes across the city, but the lack of number of cops on duty in protection of common man. If the higher officials plan and deploy the cops wisely in ratio of the general population to the VIPs, then the crimes could definitely be avoided and fought back, giving citizens a sound sleep and fearless city to live in.