Marketing career objective and career summary

Marketing career objective and career summary


Looking to secure the role of a Senior Marketing Manager in TYBV Ltd. The role should provide ample opportunity for growth whereby the marketing skills and experience can be harnesses in an appropriate manner


- An MBA in Marketing from IIM Lucknow with over 4 years of experience in GHP Ltd as Marketing Manager
- Responsible for developing messages for new products along with conceptualizing and creating promotional plans for the same.
- Strong understanding of marketing, strategy and business sense
- Managed and analysed effectiveness of various marketing campaigns against the desired goals
- Robust MS Office skills with excellent interpersonal skills.
- Highly flexible, self starter and motivated individual with willingness to travel frequently
- Awarded with the “ Best Marketing Manager” award by the company for the year 2010.
- Expert in forward thinking, research and problem-solving skills.
- Ability to work under pressure, stretch extra hours for meeting deadlines
- Proven knowledge in product marketing, strategy and competition tracking
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  • Marketing career objective and career summary -Teena Bhatia (06/30/14)
  • Career Objective:

    To secure the mid level position of Marketing Manager that would allow me to use my entrepreneurial knowledge, branding skills and strong networks to bring in more growth in business.

    Career Summary:

    • 3 years work experience in the field of corporate marketing after completion of MBA in Marketing Management.
    • In-depth knowledge of marketing strategic planning and analysis, and using them to enhance the sales of company.
    • Proven track record of enhancing sales by more than 25% in a time frame of just one year.
    • Expertise in using the product marketing cycle right from Planning, marketing and maintaining the public relations.
    • Used the innovative strategies of branding and brought the company in the top three performers.
    • Proficient in analyzing business developments and monitoring market trends.
    • Experience in planning and implementing the various advertising campaigns, events and promotional activities within the defined budget.
    • Proficient in handling a team of more than five people and guiding them effectively to achieve the promotional targets.