Meetings promote understanding and communication between the two countries

Meetings promote understanding and communication between the two countries

The meetings of top bureaucrats and political leaders of different countries on different platforms promote understanding and communication between the two countries.
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I completely agree that meetings of top bureaucrats and political leaders of different countries promote understanding and communication between the countries. And I think it is really important to have such meetings at different platforms since communication and relationship buildings are important cornerstones in peace building.

Such meetings enable its participant countries to understand about each other’s foreign policy. They get an opportunity to openly discuss and express their collective feelings and concerns about various International issues.

These meetings are also very important platforms to settling the conflicts/disputes between nations, if any. Also, it enables the nations to come at consensus for various agendas.

However, it is not very easy to conduct such meetings. They should be properly planned and immense care should be taken during their conduct. The agendas should be clearly defined and communicated days in advance so that the various delegates can come prepared for the same. Moreover, they should be conducted in safe and friendly environment. It is true that if not conducted properly these meetings can be more divisive than beneficial.

It is a fact that we are living in an era where the world has become multipolarized and international relations have become diversified in recent years. All nations are dependent on some or the other nations for bilateral trades etc. Hence, no longer can such International meetings be avoided. They have become an integral part of the Globalized world we are living in.

For example, the Foreign Ministers of the Republic of India, the Russian Federation and the People’s Republic of China met in New Delhi on 10 November 2013 for their 12th Meeting and as reported by “The Times of India”, the meeting was held in a cordial and warm atmosphere. The Ministers reiterated the importance attached to the Russia-India-China Trilateral format as a platform to foster closer dialogue and practical cooperation in identified areas among the three countries as reported by TOI. Such successful meetings play an important role in resolving various International issues and hence, must be conducted effectively and positively.
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