One word substitutes - MCQs with answers - Part X

One word substitutes - MCQs with answers - Part X

Choose the correct one word to replace the given description

1. The growth of plants and immovable animals in response to gravitational force:

a. Geomorphology
b. Geotropism
c. Geotrackism
d. Tropism

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ANSWER: b. Geotropism

Example: The negative geotropism shown by big trees depends on other factors.

2. A substance that kills germs:

a. Poison
b. Pesticide
c. Foeticide
d. Germicide

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ANSWER: d. Germicide

Example: The bacillus is easily killed by heat and germicide substances, particularly acids.

3. Counterfeiting a document:

a. Fabrication
b. Imitation
c. Sham
d. Forgery

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ANSWER: d. Forgery

Example: Forgery is a criminal offence of the highest degree.

4. Something that spreads through actual contact:

a. Contagious
b. Jumping
c. Poisonous
d. Transmissible

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ANSWER: a. Contagious

Example: Cholera is contagious.

5. The study of old age, ageing and problems related to old people:

a. Gerontology
b. Germology
c. Gremlin
d. Aetology

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ANSWER: a. Gerontology

Example: She has been teaching and doing research in social gerontology for a long time.

6. Garden cultivation:

a. Sericulture
b. Floriculture
c. Viniculture
d. Horticulture

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ANSWER: d. Horticulture

Example: Topics include arable, contractors, country sports, farm buildings, forestry, horticulture and livestock.

7. The science of controlled breeding to increase the probability of the inheritance of desirable characteristics in the offspring:

a. Eugenicsa.
b. Genetics
c. Genesiology
d. Congenital traits

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ANSWER: a. Eugenicsa.

Example: The improved animal species are the result of the eugenics program.

8. Animals living on grass:

a. Frugivorous
b. Herbivorous
c. Graminivorous
d. Agrivorous

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ANSWER: c. Graminivorous

Example: Cattle are mostly graminivorous.

9. Animals who live in groups:

a. Collection
b. Circulus
c. Congruous
d. Gregarious

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ANSWER: d. Gregarious

Example: Deer are a gregarious species.

10. Fruit-eating animals:

a. Fruit-eaters
b. Herbivorous
c. Frugivorous
d. Avivorous

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ANSWER: c. Frugivorous

Example: Parrots are usually frugivores.

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