Onto, Into or Upto

Onto, Into or Upto

Onto: moving to a location (the surface of something); moving aboard (a public conveyance) with intention of travelling in it.

a. Ram urged Sonia to step onto the dance floor with him.
b. Rajat in order to save himself had no option but to climb onto the roof.

Into: expressing movement or action with the result that someone or something becomes enclosed or surrounded by something else.

a. This photovoltaic system converts the solar energy into electrical energy.
b. Project Management team develops a plan to achieve company’s goal and turn its plans into action.

Upto: busy or occupied with (adjective); having the requisite qualities for.
a. Proper management of bank’s branches can save them up to 30% annually
b. Managers need to stay up to date on current industry trends.

Read the following sentences and fill in the blanks with the right word.

1. The main objective of Managers today should be to turn government initiatives and mandates ____________ (into/ onto/ upto) sales opportunities.

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ANSWER: into

2. Ram went ______________ (onto/ into/ upto) become the first Non- Engineer CEO of company

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ANSWER: onto

3. Ram after returning from long vacation asked his team members to bring him _________ (into/ onto/ upto) speed on latest developments.

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ANSWER: upto

4. Company refused to make any accommodation __________________ (onto/ into/ upto) an existing examination appointment.

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ANSWER: onto

5. Facilities are available ___________ (up to/ into/ onto) six months of registration.

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ANSWER: up to

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