Or, Ore or Oar

Or, Ore or Oar

Or: used to link alternatives

a. What do want? Tea or Coffee!
b. Ram is planning to choose Marketing or Finance as his Major in MBA.

Ore: A naturally occurring solid material from which a metal or valuable mineral can be profitably extracted.

a. India has huge reserve of Iron-ore in Jharkhand Region that can help solve their power crisis.
b. America is doing a lot of research in the field of generating electricity from raw ores.

Oar: A pole with a flat blade, pivoting in an oar lock, used to row or steer a boat through the water

a. The vessel was steered by an oar at the right side but the water current was strong enough to push it in opposite direction
b. He used oar as a weapon to fight the crocodile in the river.

Read the following sentences and fill in the blanks with the right word.

1. Where are you coming from? Delhi _________(or/ oar/ ore) Mumbai?

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2. If Australia didn't own the _______________ (or/ oar/ ore) mines, they'd be using Solar Energy to generate power.

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3. Few among many boats were propelled by ________ (oars/ ore/ or), others were under sail.

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ANSWER: oars

4. Life jackets and _________ (oar/ ore/ or) are two must have things for one going to Rafting.

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5. Saddam Hussain attacked Quwait with the motive of taking in control all the ______________(ore/ oar/ or) mines.

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