Piece vs Peace

Piece vs Peace

Piece: a portion of an object or of material

a. In 18th Century, Colonization was a very grueling period for those who were victim of it. Rulers used to throw only the piece of bread for the work done by slaves

for them.
b. Dog quickly ate the piece of meat and started barking in desire for more.

Peace: freedom from disturbance; quiet and tranquility

a. India and Pakistan have declared ceasefire on Kargil Border and ministers of both the nations are open to peace talks.
b. Many foreigners come to stay in Rishikesh Ashrams in pursuit of divine spirituality and mental peace.

Read the following sentences and fill in the blanks with the right word.

1. Mental __________________ (piece/ peace) is an integral requirement for a cricketer when it comes to performing in high pressure game.

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ANSWER: peace

2. He kept looking for the _______________ (piece/ peace) of cake he left in refrigerator in morning

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3. The Straits were to be open to warships in time of _______________ (piece / peace).

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ANSWER: peace

4. Pakistan has continuously being violating ceasefire agreement because of which Indian PM has decided to discontinue ____________ (peace / piece) talks with them.

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ANSWER: peace

5. Football hit the vase kept on the corner of the veranda and broke it into ___________ (peaces/ pieces).

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ANSWER: pieces

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