Probability, Random Variables and Random Signals - 1 - MCQs

Probability, Random Variables and Random Signals - 1 - MCQs

1. What does the set comprising all possible outcomes of an experiment known as ?

a. Null event
b. Sure event
c. Elementary event
d. None of the above

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ANSWER: b. Sure event

2. What does an each outcome in the sample space regarded as ?

a. Sample point
b. Element
c. Both a & b
d. None of the above

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ANSWER: c. Both a & b

3. Mutually Exclusive events ________

a. Contain all sample points
b. Contain all common sample points
c. Does not contain any common sample point
d. Does not contain any sample point

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ANSWER: c. Does not contain any common sample point

4. What would be the probability of an event 'G' if G denotes its complement, according to the axioms of probability?

a. P (G) = 1 / P (G)
b. P (G) = 1 - P (G)
c. P (G) = 1 + P (G)
d. P (G) = 1 * P (G)

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ANSWER: b. P (G) = 1- P (G)

5. What would happen if the two events are statistically independent ?

a. Conditional probability becomes less than the elementary probability

b. Conditional probability becomes more than the elementary probability

c. Conditional probability becomes equal to the elementary probability

d. Conditional as well as elementary probabilities will exhibit no change

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ANSWER: c. Conditional probability becomes equal to the elementary probability

6. What would be the joint probability of statistically independent events that occur simultaneously ?

a. Zero
b. Not equal to zero
c. Infinite
d. None of the above

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ANSWER: b. Not equal to zero

7. Consider the assertions given below :

A : CDF is a monotonously increasing function

B : PDF is a derivative of CDF & is always positive

Which among them is correct according to the properties of PDF?

a. A is true & B is false
b. A is false & B is true
c. Both A & B are true but B is a reason for A
d. Both A & B are false since B is not a reason for A

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ANSWER: c. Both A & B are true but B is a reason for A

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