Psychiatry - Career prospects and earning potential

What are the career prospects in India?

Job openings for psychiatrists in India are vast; they can hunt for occupation in regular hospitals as well as in cerebral hospitals. Many of them also work in convalescence hubs to
acclimatize drug fanatics, dipsomaniacs, babyish felons and others with other professional counsellors and social workers. They are chosen in private hospitals, clinics and health institutes but they can also start private drill at home or at their own clinics.

How much does a psychiatrist earn?

Psychiatry is a quite exciting and recompensing career option. The pay-package differs for organizations but in government hospices Psychiatrists can earn the same salary as expert
doctors. On an average they can earn anything between Rs.15, 000 –Rs.20, 000 per month. In private hospitals the package is somewhat higher than government.
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