Renewable Sources of Energy

Renewable Sources of Energy

I often think about the future of next generation. When I travel everyday morning, there is a thick layer of smog in the atmosphere. All energy production involves some kind of pollution for the atmosphere and the environment. Additionally there is a tremendous pressure on the available sources of energy. The amount of petrol reserves is limited and each year, we have to shell out more money for a litre of petrol.

The demand is too much and the supply is rather low. India is one of the largest importer of oil and petrol products. The rapid industrialization characterized by the bullish Chinese and Indian markets, have forced us to rethink on renewable sources of energy.

Expanding access to new pools of energy, optimizing current use of reserves, balancing growth opportunities and harnessing alternate sources of renewable energy is the new mainstream thought on many a government agenda. The Ministry of Power, Government of India seeks to achieve this objective in a holistic and comprehensive manner. According to a E&Y report, India is the third most attractive country to invest in renewable energy, after USA and Germany, in the attractiveness index.

Solar power and hydro power, wind energy and biomass with low carbon emissions seem to be plausible answers to this conundrum. The renewable energy sources in the country’s total energy mix are 12.3% in FY 13. Alternative commercially viable technical solutions across sectors are an imperative to sustainable renewable energy sources to prevent impending energy crises.

By 2050, one third of the world’s energy requirements will be fulfilled by solar, wind and other renewable sources, according to the world’s largest oil companies, Royal Dutch Shell and British Petroleum. Climate change, population growth, and fossil fuel depletion mean that renewables will need to play a bigger role in the future than they do today. And we at our level, as a conscious citizen, need to rethink about consumption and reduce the amount of wastage that we incur at a daily level and put a stop to this colossal waste.
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  • RE: Renewable Sources of Energy -Sumangala Varun (03/26/14)
  • Introduction

    Renewable resources refer to those energy sources that can be replaced with time. These include rain, wind, waves, solar power etc.

    Why are renewable sources important?

    The answer lies in the question itself - renewable sources can be renewed, they are practically limitless. This means, if we shift our focus to the replaceable sources, we automatically save on the limited sources. These resources are also relatively cheaper, thereby being more economical. **Most of the renewable energy comes through the sun (directly or indirectly).

    Renewable sources can be used for the following purposes:
    • Power-hydro electricity from running or flowing water (dams) electricity from winds (windmills), solar powered lights,
    • Transport -electric cars, bio fuels
    • Cooking-biogas, solar water heaters

    Among the more commonly used sources of energy, wind power, tidal power, solar power, hydroelectricity, and geothermal power, among others. Geothermal power is the energy that is taken from the earth’s crust. It can also be used as a source of electricity. Biomass, which is the organic matter that is found in plants, is another important renewable energy source.

    Usage of renewable sources of energy also helps in building the country’s economy. However, the capital expenses in setting up plants to tap these various source of renewable energy are large. So even if we do save on subsequent expenses in the long run, we could be out off by the initial costs. For example, an electric car or bike will make us fuel independent. Their maintenance is also low. But these vehicles are costly, so we generally think twice before investing in a Reva, or a similar vehicle. Likewise, to set up a solar powered electricity source in our houses would be costly, so even if we will be saving on future electricity bill, we are deterred by the high capital expenditure.

    We should shift focus to the renewable sources of energy for the following reasons:

    • They are cheaper sources of energy in the long term

    • By moving to renewable sources, we are saving the limited sources of energy

    • By preserving finite energy, there is great benefit to the environment

    So let us encourage activities and research that look at making more use of the renewable sources of energy, and help save the finite or limited energy resources.