Respectfully vs Respectively

Respectfully vs Respectively

Respectfully – is an adjective and is defined as showing or feeling respect.

a. He listened respectfully.
b. He respectfully asked the lady to move aside.

Respectively – is an adverb and is defined as separately or individually and in the order already mentioned.

a. Richa and Rucha aged 15 and 16 years respectively.
b. Jainil and Jainam ate apple and pear respectively.

Read the following sentences and fill in the blanks with the right word.

1. Seuss books have mostly animals and weird cultures in them, __________.

a. Respectively
b. Respectfully
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ANSWER: Respectively

2. We are proud of a workplace that is both professionally challenging and __________ of its staff.

a. Respectively
b. Respectfully
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ANSWER: Respectfully

3. The lawyer __________ declined to let his client speak to them.

a. Respectfully
b. Respectively
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ANSWER: Respectfully

4. The diploma and advanced diploma require two and three years of study __________.

a. Respectfully
b. Respectively
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ANSWER: Respectively

5. When you visit places of worship, you need to dress __________.

a. Respectfully
b. Respectively
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ANSWER: Respectfully

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