Sample Thank you letter for Invitation

Sample Thank you letter for Invitation

Thank you for inviting Jonathan and me to Maxwell’s engagement party. We are delighted to have received the invitation. We are happy for you and Gladys. Please accept our heartiest congratulations. Maxwell is a fine boy and I am sure he and his fiancée have a bright future ahead of them. Your son is a gem of a boy. We will never forget how he helped us during Isabel’s operation. We have noted that the party will be held at Sterling Falls Hotel in Las Vegas. We will be arriving by Flight 209 to Vegas on March 20th 2014. As the event is scheduled for the 22nd, I am sure that our early arrival will also give us a chance to meet before the event and catch up with each other.

It has been so long since Jonathan and I have met you and Gladys. The last time we met was at Susan Smith’s daughter’s christening ceremony. A lot of time has passed since then and we are really looking forward to meeting all of you. We are also looking forward to hearing all about Jeremy’s foray into the stock market. He has a lot of financial acumen and we are sure he will become a top investor soon. He visited us at Florida during Christmas and we were delighted with the beautiful shawl you sent for Isabel. She is recovering well after her surgery. Once again, thank you for thinking of us during this special time.
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  • RE: Sample Thank you letter for Invitation -Teena Bhatia (03/14/14)
  • Sample Thank you letter for Invitation

    Thank you for inviting us on the product launch event organized by the world famous company ABC International on 15th March 2014. I feel honored to be part of this great event. We appreciate your gesture to offer a cab service but I would prefer to drive to the event myself.

    The employees of the company have really worked hard day and night to cross this milestone. The product launch is the prize of the dedicated efforts of the team and is surely going to be a huge success. We are happy to know that the chief guest for the event is Mr. Aman Arora, the Chief Minister of the state and the product will be introduced by the Director of ABC International. The product launch is then followed by the tea party in the same hotel.

    We look forward to sharing this special moment with the company. Please don’t hesitate to let us know where you can use a helping hand.