Seating Arrangement - Verbal Reasoning questions

Seating Arrangement - Verbal Reasoning questions

Directions for questions 1-5: Read the following information and answer the questions.

Eight friends A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are sitting around a circular table but not necessarily in same order. Each of them represents eight different companies viz. Panasonic, LG, Samsung, Apple, Nokia, Sony, Onida and Reliance. F sits second to the right of representative of Reliance. Representative of Nokia is an immediate neighbor of representative of Reliance. C & E are immediate neighbors. Neither C nor E is an immediate neighbor of B or representative of Reliance. Two people sit between representative of Nokia and B. G and representative of Onida are immediate neighbors. Only one person sits between C and representative of Samsung. H sits third to the left of representative of Apple. Representative of Sony sits second to the left of representative of LG. Representative of Panasonic sits second to the right of D. D is neither a representative of Reliance nor of Nokia. B is not the representative of Onida.

1) Who amongst these sits second to the right of B?

A) E
B) H
C) G
D) Data Inadequate

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2) Which amongst the following statements is not true?

A) G is the representative of Nokia
B) B is the immediate neighbor of the representative of Panasonic
C) The representative of LG sits fourth to the left of the representative of Onida
D) None of these

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ANSWER: D) None of these

3) Who amongst these is the representative of Apple?

A) E
B) D
C) C
D) A

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4) Which of the following combinations of companies and their representatives is true?

A) Reliance-A
B) Sony-C
C) Neither A nor B
D) Both A & B

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ANSWER: C) Neither A nor B

5) Three of the following four options are alike in a certain way and thus form a group. Which one of them does not belong to the group?

A) G-Panasonic
B) H-Samsung
C) E-Nokia
D) A-Sony

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ANSWER: A) G-Panasonic

Directions for questions 6-10: Read the following information and answer the questions.

P, Q, R, S, T, U, V are a group of friends travelling in three vehicles- I20, Polo and Nano. At least two people sit in the same vehicle. There are two Pilots, Two Fashion Designers and three Architects. Only one male travels in each vehicle. No two persons belonging to the same field travel together.

1) S is a male fashion designer
2) P is not a pilot and travels in Polo car
3) R is a female fashion designer
4) Q, a male pilot, travels only with W, an Architect in I20 car.
5) R does not travel with pair of sisters P and V.

6) In which car does T travel?

A) Polo
B) I20
C) Nano
D) Can’t be determined

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7) Which of the following pairs is correct?

A) T-pilot
B) P-Architect
C) Both A & B
D) Nethier A nor B

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ANSWER: B) P-Architect

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  • Seating Arrangement - Verbal Reasoning questions -Avani Shashtri (10/29/13)
  • 7) Which of the following pairs is correct?

    A) T-pilot
    B) P-Architect
    C) Both A & B
    D) Nethier A nor B

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    ANSWER: B) P-Architect

    8) In which of these cars do three members travel?

    A) Nano
    B) Polo
    C) I20
    D) Can’t be determined

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    ANSWER: B) Polo

    9) Which of the following represents three architects?

    A) WPT
    B) WTV
    C) VPT
    D) WPV

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    ANSWER: D) All of these

  • Seating Arrangement - Verbal Reasoning questions -Avani Shashtri (10/29/13)
  • 8) In which of these cars do three members travel?

    A) Nano
    B) Polo
    C) I20
    D) Can’t be determined

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    ANSWER: B) Polo

    9) Which of the following represents three architects?

    A) WPT
    B) WTV
    C) VPT
    D) WPV

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    ANSWER: D) All of these