Should sex education be a part of school curriculum for children?

Should sex education be a part of school curriculum for children?


Sex education refers to the lessons taught to children to familiarize them with the human anatomy, sexual activity, and human reproduction. Formal sex education also includes educating children on Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs), and their spreading, and protecting oneself from unplanned pregnancies.

Sex education-the need of the hour

It is important to include sex education as a part of school curriculum. Traditionally, parents taught their children about the birds and bees. However, this being a sensitive and extremely private topic, many parents would only tell their child to practice abstinence, or avoiding sex. This is insufficient, as the child will not be equipped to protect herself or himself from STDs, sexual abuse, and unwanted pregnancies. Adolescents are at an age where they are becoming aware of the changes in their body. They become aware of their sexuality, and their curiosity to know all about it is peaked. It is far better to teach them all about the human sexuality in a professional and structured manner, than have them find out from unreliable sources. Studies have shown that giving sex education to youngsters prolongs the mean age for a teen’s sexual activity.

With the growth of media, and the internet providing data of all kinds, sex is a common motif in the media today. This piques the curiosity of most children, and they want to know more about sex. To protect young children and adolescents from unsafe sex practices, STDs, and sexual abuse, we must provide them with correct guidance. We must also teach children at a young age to say no. They must be taught that their body is their own, and their consent is extremely important. Children should be encouraged to ask questions, and clear their doubts, as half knowledge is dangerous. Some schools have the concept of an Anonymous Box, where children can write down their questions on slips of paper, and get them clarified from the teacher.

Sex education should begin in a mild level at the primary school level itself, to protect children from abuse. They must be taught about the different parts of their body, and the difference between a good touch and bad touch. Sexual predators prey on children as young as three or four and we must protect these children from abuse.

There are some people who are against sex education for young children. These people argue that the rate of teen pregnancies is higher in the countries that conduct sex education classes for their students. However, this argument is not based on facts, and is not only a foolish idea, but it is also dangerous. By equipping children and teenagers with the power of knowledge, we are ensuring that they will make informed decisions for themselves. We are leaving the choice to them to practice safe sex, even if they choose to be sexually active. Instead of forbidding youngsters from having sex at all, by clearly explaining concepts and risks, we are empowering them to be more responsible.


To sum up, sex education is important, and should be enforced in schools, to protect youngsters from STDs, abuse, and unwanted pregnancies. Therefore, it is essential to have a systematic sex education program in place.
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