Some institutes offering degrees/diploma in Pet Grooming

Are there any good institutes which offer degrees/diploma in Pet Grooming?

There are many good institutes which provide diploma and certificate courses in pet grooming, each with a different course module. No intensive and long term courses are available but two year training with an experienced groomer is strongly recommended. Usually the course duration ranges from 80-100 hours. Usually all of these institutes provide internship options along with the theoretical training. Institutes like scoopy scrub impart both basic level and advance level training. While basic course gives you a general acquaintance of the stream, such as different breeds of the pets, basic hygiene, equipments used for various purpose, advanced level teaches you breed customized training along with the practical exposure including specialities such as aroma therapy, spa, massages, etc. They have their centres for learning in Delhi, Ghaziabad, Gurgaon, Vijaywada, Jaipur, Kolkata, Dehradun and Bangalore.

Another state of art training institute is Shevar Institute in Bangalore. They run two different courses of 1.5 month each along with an international certification. There are three modules, which include every iota of grooming including scissor styling, bathing techniques, clipping, skin disorders, etc.
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  • RE: Some institutes offering degrees/diploma in Pet Grooming -Ramesh (02/04/23)
  • Is any age to study for pets grooming and qualification
  • RE: Some institutes offering degrees/diploma in Pet Grooming -Prabhu (09/01/22)
  • Hi I am interested in pet grommer so any vacancy let me know my number is 9080774718
  • RE: Some institutes offering degrees/diploma in Pet Grooming -Suhasini Prasad (11/11/21)
  • Hey, we are opening a mobile grooming van service in Bangalore and looking for groomers. Please send me a message if you are interested. thanks
  • RE: Some institutes offering degrees/diploma in Pet Grooming -Shamika (10/03/20)
  • Hey I am from Mumbai
    So any location near by me for courses plz suggest
  • RE: Some institutes offering degrees/diploma in Pet Grooming -Zalak Trivedi (06/25/19)
  • Please suggest me grooming school near me I want to become groomer. I am from Gujarat .
  • RE: Some institutes offering degrees/diploma in Pet Grooming -Bhuvana (03/19/19)
  • I m from Hyderabad, can u pl suggest some institutes offering pet grooming in Hyderabad