The conduction angle in controlled rectification process under the proper firing conditions can be controlled by

The conduction angle in controlled rectification process under the proper firing conditions can be controlled by _______


a. Thyristor
b. Rectifier
c. Comparator
d. Regulator

Correct Answer: a. Thyristor


Controlled rectification process allow to vary the output of rectifier by controlling the point in ac cycle where the circuit gets turned ON during specific firing conditions.

Thyristor like SCR is specifically used to control ( or trigger) the level of conduction angle in the cycle under the proper firing conditions.

Only under the application of control signal to turn on the rectifier at a particular point, the load current flows through an ac cycle.

However, an half wave rectifier remains in conduction phase for the remaining positive half-cycle.

Due to this, determination of firing point is possible by an angle of delay while the firing signal is applied by the control circuit.

Increase in delay angle ultimately results in delay of conduction phase in the cycle along with the decrement in load current.
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