Voltage across the current sensing resistor in switching voltage IC regulators is used internally by

The voltage across the current sensing resistor in switching voltage IC regulators is used internally by an oscillator to make variations in the duty cycle on the basis of desired _________


a. Peak Voltage
b. Peak Current
c. Peak Frequency
d. Pulse- Width

Correct Answer: b. Peak Current


The output voltage is always greater than the input voltage for an IC connected to external components under the category of step-up switching regulator configuration.

Pulse – width and frequency of an oscillator used in regulatory circuit are controlled by timing capacitor (CT) .

Variations in duty-cycle can be controlled only on the basis of desired peak current and completely independent of peak voltage.

This is so because the necessary voltage required by an oscillator internally is generally obtained across the current sensing resistor.

Eventually, the regulating action is in addition and accordance to the output produced by the variations exhibited in duty-cycle of an oscillator.
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