What are the pros of being a teacher?

What are the pros of being a teacher?

Teaching is not merely a job, it is a responsibility. Some of the pros of teaching as a career are:

- Teaching is a satisfaction yielding job. It is the most important job one can perform. It is a teacher who actually moulds the society. Seeing kids grow and getting success in life is a pleasure beyond words.
- There are many vacations, summer vacations, Winter Holidays, and public holidays
- You have so many things in your control; you have the whole authority of the class.
- Teachers are always in demand, irrespective of the season, of the economic status of the country.
- It is a job which one should be proud of. People usually respect teachers.
- There is versatility in the job. Every day is different, with a different time table, different questions to solve and different lessons.
- Working with young people, not only in terms of age but also with someone who has a learning approach in life, is always very energetic and inspirational.
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