What is the basic salary of an audio engineer or a sound engineer?

What is the basic salary of an audio engineer or a sound engineer?

Salary of an audio engineer depends on the designation and also the industry they are working in. A fresher in this field, as an assistant sound engineer will earn around 2,000-3,000 for eight hours/day whereas a professional audio engineer with an experience of few years can easily earn around 40,000-50,000 per day. More than money this job brings in recognition. The salary can vary according to experience of a person. But it does offer moolahs once experienced enough in this field.
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  • RE: What is the basic salary of an audio engineer or a sound engineer? -Debraj Goswami (06/07/14)
  • Is something wrong with me, that im seeing, 40,00 - 50,000 per day and 2-3k a day. or there is an input error, or is it really so? :o